
"There is a fundamental element in interaction, which takes on a greater complexity in relationship. I am refering to curiosity, some sort of openness to comprehending what is in orbit of the challenged being’s sensibility. It is this human disposition to be surprised before people, what they do, say, seem like, before facts and phenomena, before beauty and ugliness, this unrefrainable need to understand in order to explain, to seek the reason for being of facts. It is this desire, always alive, of feeling, living, realizing what lies in the realm of one’s “vision of depth”."

— Paulo Freire
Pedagogy of the Oppressed

“Emotional maturity, we are just beginning to glimpse, may mean capacity to feel truly, in relation to the facts of our world, the feelings of others; and also to create in our responses to others a relationship of “feeling together” which is something different from and better than single individuals could experience alone. So little do we know about this that we have scarcely any vocabulary to talk about it. But something like this is at the basis, we are sure, of acting together, for out of common feeling much more than from shared intellectual concepts comes the capacity to cooperate for valued ends.”

— Bertha Capen Reynolds
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